I Discovery

At Knoldus, we are proud to be developing high-quality software on a regular basis. We help our clients assess the quality of the idea early enough so that the right idea translates into a great product.

Great ideas aren’t nearly enough to make for great products. Rather, what you need is:

    • sound evaluation,

    • proper design,

    • strict planning.

The discovery workshop is to turn an idea into a fully operational digital product roadmap. The benefits include

    • Correctly estimating the development costs of your product, which can help in completing the project

    • Accessing the market potential of the product along with the cost-to-profit ratio

    • Implementing a product that meets the needs of the users


Before getting into the Fusion exercise, we would like to spend a couple of hours with the team. This may be distributed over a few calls. In these calls, we would like to understand

  1. Landscape overview (the engagement overview and what does the current landscape look like)

  2. Systems involved (along with interaction with 3rd party systems)

  3. Stakeholders internal and external

  4. Current challenges, if any

  5. Expected ETA of where do we want to go

These are high-level discussion points with the intent to go into more detail as a part of the Fusion exercise. These help us in defining the duration and the structure of the Fusion workshops.


Discovery workshops are a process of gathering information about your business, goals, and ideas, then turning them into a plan.

  • Defining business needs

  • The first step is to identify the stakeholders who would be impacted by this product. All stakeholders need to align on the plans and expectations.

  • Validate against business goals

  • This is where actual product functionality needs to be derived from your expectations and ideas. The idea testing stage isn’t just about implementation.

During the process, you also need to:

    • Prioritize the functionalities according to your product goals,

    • Allocate sufficient time for implementation,

    • Divide the functionalities into manageable phases (including the MVP),

    • Assess product delivery costs.

Important conclusions are often reached at this point. For instance, you may find that your scope needs adjusting or your product won’t be profitable.

Visualize product potential

Discovery workshops should give you a visual representation of your product’s potential. Having your deliverables visualized is a great way to tell your idea in the form of a story, making it easier for you to express both your concept and your assumptions to the stakeholders.

This part would usually result in a clickable prototype so that we have the ability to verify the core product idea with potential users.

Who is involved

From Knoldus, three roles are involved

    1. Business strategy consultant - represents the business perspective

    2. Technology Expert - Senior Architect to share the tech perspective

    3. Design consultant - represents the user perspective

From the customer we expect

    1. Stakeholders who represent the business so that we can understand and define the business goals and vision

    2. User representatives

    3. Technology team to share the enterprise technology strategy and validate that the technical vision being proposed does not violate enterprise constraints

    4. Any stakeholders who might have direct, indirect input on the product


Not necessarily with the client, but recommended being done together

Day 4 - Initial assessment of the product's implementation costs

Day 5,6 - A presentation that sums up all the outcomes, accompanied by the roadmap and interface ideas, is created for you to use internally or share with potential investors or developers.

Tangible Outcomes

  • A well-defined set of your business goals

    • Tech stack recommendations and software architecture overview;

    • Initial evaluation of your product’s implementation costs;

    • A precise description of your core target audience and their perspective;

    • Initial scope and strategic roadmap of your product, complete with an MVP definition

    • Interface concepts and 3rd party integration strategy

    • A clickable prototype of the product

Knoldus Discovery template

Discovery Session Template

This is for Knoldus internal use, however, if you would like a copy, please request with your company email id