Sprint Review

In the Sprint Review, you demo the latest increment to get feedback from the whole Scrum Team and key stakeholders. The meeting is not about the demo, it's about the feedback! In the Sprint Review, you receive feedback on the value you have delivered.

The Purpose of the Sprint Review

Before we get into recreating the Sprint Review online in a virtual setting, let us first revisit the purpose of the Sprint Review. The purpose of the Sprint Review is to inspect the outcome of the Sprint and determine future adaptations. The Scrum Team presents the results of their work to key stakeholders and progress toward the Product Goal is discussed.

During the event, the Scrum Team and stakeholders review what was accomplished in the Sprint and what has changed in their environment. Based on this information, attendees collaborate on what to do next. The Product Backlog may also be adjusted to meet new opportunities. The Sprint Review is a working session and the Scrum Team should avoid limiting it to a presentation.

The Sprint Review is the second to last event of the Sprint and is time-boxed to a maximum of four hours for a one-month Sprint. For shorter Sprints, the event is usually shorter.

The Sprint Review is Empiricism at work: inspect the Product Increment and adapt the Product Backlog.

The Development Team, the Product Owner, and the stakeholders need to figure out whether they are still on track delivering value to customers.

It is the best moment to create or reaffirm the shared understanding among all participants whether the Product Backlog is still reflecting the best use of the Scrum Team’s resources, thus maximizing the value delivered to customers. It is also because of this context that calling the Sprint Review a “sprint demo” does not match its importance for the effectiveness of the Scrum Team.

The Sprint Review is thus an excellent opportunity to talk about the general progress of the product. The Sprint Review’s importance is hence the reason to address Sprint Review anti-patterns as a Scrum Master as soon as possible.

How to make a sprint review more effectively

  • Attendees include the Scrum Team and key stakeholders invited by the Product Owner.

  • The Product Owner explains what Product Backlog items have been “Done” and what has not been “Done;”

  • The Development Team discusses what went well during the Sprint, what problems it ran into, and how those problems were solved;

  • The Development Team demonstrates the work that it has “Done” and answers questions about the Increment;

  • The Product Owner discusses the Product Backlog as it stands. He or she projects likely target and delivery dates based on progress to date (if needed)

  • The entire group collaborates on what to do next so that the Sprint Review provides valuable input to subsequent Sprint Planning.

  • Review of how the marketplace or potential use of the product might have changed what is the most valuable thing to do next.

  • Review of the timeline, budget, potential capabilities, and marketplace for the next anticipated releases of functionality or capability of the product.

“The result of the Sprint Review is a revised Product Backlog that defines the probable Product Backlog items for the next Sprint. The Product Backlog may also be adjusted overall to meet new opportunities.”

Benefit for doing Sprint Review:

  • Better quality

  • Decreased time to market

  • Increased return on investment

  • Higher customer satisfaction

  • Higher team morale

  • Increased collaboration and ownership

  • Improved progress visibility and exposure

  • Reduced risk

  • Dedication towards the product goal.

  • The team’s identification with its own work results increases.

  • Ideas for further functionalities can be developed together.

  • Updating the sprint backlog and reprioritizing (if needed) the story points.

Sprint Review meeting template:

To summarise all the facts mentioned above, let’s highlight the Sprint Review agenda in the Agile environment. Here’re the most essential points you should consider:

  • Review goal

  • Demonstrating how the work is done

  • Sprint feedback request

  • Discussing the work that is not done

  • Identifying risks/ possible impediments

  • Reviewing PI objectives

  • A brief peek at the next Sprint

How to Run a Remote Sprint Review?

The following tips will help you to hold a virtual Sprint review meeting:

  • Introduce everyone calling.

  • Initiate a small talk to break the ice.

  • Share your screen.

  • Use visual graphics.

  • Point to the place where all attendees can identify the info you are sharing.

  • Be specific in your instructions.

  • Tell how people can find the team board, where they can provide feedback, how the specific metrics will be calculated, etc.

  • Make sure you do not have any popup notifications on your screen.

  • Avoid all background noises.

  • Summarize the key points of the Sprint Review.

  • Ask for feedback and make it interactive.

Best Practices for Sprint Review:

  • Attendance and participation of the Scrum Team, product owner, and invited key stakeholders.

  • The Product Owner should report the items in the Product Backlog; what backlog items have been done and what have not.

  • The Agile team discusses what went well and the problems they experienced. They should also inform the group of what they did to resolve the problems.

  • The Agile team demonstrates their completed work while answering questions about their increment.

  • The product owner leads the discussion on the Product Backlog as it currently stands. They set projected completion dates based on the progress of the Sprint session.

  • To give valuable input to the Sprint planning, the entire group establishes the next steps during the Sprint review meeting.

  • This is a time to review potential changes in the marketplace, the valuation of the project, and what areas are considered to be the most valuable. Review the timeline, budget, potential capabilities, and marketplace to determine the next anticipated product release.

  • Focus on the End User/ End Users/Customers/Partners/ Company Executives / Stakeholders.

    • Be Courageous.

    • Every time a new team member should present the demo.

    • Stakeholders also discuss the next sprint scope and goal.